Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Test! Problems with the computer & blog!

Whats next, or should I even ask?

Still having trouble! {St. Louis Children's Photographer}

OK something is SO wrong with my blog.  I can't upload pics and now my computer is broken too!  I could just go crazy!!!!  I've been having some rough days these days too.  I think there's TWO full moons out with everything going on here.

Caleb got into the butt paste and rubbed it all over his bottom, legs and hands!  Let me tell you that stuff is hard to get off and we really didn't get it all off.  

Gotta get some sleep and finish burning what I need off this computer so I can take it in to get fixed tomorrow.  I hope to work on fixing my blog soon.  Sorry for the delay!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Engagement pics {St. Louis Wedding Photographer}

OK so I'm totally have trouble up loading pictures to my blog.  One does and then it I can't get it to up load another.  I was lucky enough to get a couple on.  I added them to my facebook page if you want to have a look at more go to  Such a cute and fun couple.  They are getting married in FL and I really hope we will be able to go to the wedding!

Since my last blog much has happened in my life.  Nothing new that we would have a doctor visit.  Yes, E STILL has pink eye!  It will NOT go away.  We are starting him on oral antibiotics.  That better knock it out!

Late Friday night I got a call from another photographer, Terri Stoff, needing a second shooter for Saturday.  What a nightmare that would have been for your second to not be able to make it at the last minute.  AHHHHH!  Anyway, it was a Satruday I didn't have a job and I was going to hang with the family and do something fun.  But, I had to help another photographer since I really had nothing going on.  Byron said, 'Do it!', so I did.  It was in St. Gen., so it ended up being a 13 hour day!  I was SO tired, but it was great.  The couple was fantastic and the winery was beautiful.  It was great meeting Terri and I hope that will not be our last shoot together.

My grandma broke her back and then fell, so now she can't be at home alone any more.  We are hoping to move her to St. Louis where she could either live at our house or with my parents.  If she were at either of these places between my dad and I we could take care of her.  I think she would enjoy having the boys around.  She is in a ton of pain.  My dad went to Ohio to stay with her, because for whatever reason they sent her home ALONE.  My aunt Sherri stayed with her for awhile (thanks, Sherri!), but she needs someone there all the time now.

I've been totally busy editing jobs and am about to get back to it.  Sorry about the blog and not being able to load many images.  I'll try again later.  I have more sneak peaks to post.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sneak for B! {St. Louis Children's Photographer}

How cute is L?!  Thanks for the use of the box, Kim.  LOVE IT!!!  :)

Can't get enough of the parts!

LOVE this one, because it so represents the life of a mom these days!

Little L was smiling at his first love, mommy!  So sweet!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Posey Portrait Party kick off!!!! {St. Louis Children's Photographer}

Don't go to the site yet, because it's not up yet.  I started a VERY new division of my photography businesses.  It's going to be SO very fun!!!  I'm going to be the up scale Chuckie Cheese for preteen and teen girls.  Really, what is there to do for that age range other than go to a movie or have a sleep over.  I would love to be invited to join their party and take party portraits.  I'll let you know when the real site is up or at leasted started :)  Probably should not mention this yet, but gotta get the sneak peeks out and we are excited about the whole plan! 

The girls LOVED this!  We had a great time too.  They were upset when we stopped taking their pictures.  It was cute!  I hope they enjoy the sneak peeks.  This party had two beautiful birthday girls with equally beautiful guests!
Really, a beach in St. Louis, huh?!  :)  LOVE these!!

Momma with her beautiful girls!  Can you stand how pretty they all are?

Loads of fun!!

LOVE the glasses!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Very Cool! {St. Louis Children's Photographer}

On these two, Byron held a flash light so I didn't need a flash.

These two I used a flash to make sure I wouldn't miss it.  Too cool!!

Have you ever seen anything like this?  I was taking some trash out at about 11pm and saw this little guy coming out of his shell.  At first I didn't know what it was and made Byron come out and see if the weird looking thing on the steps was a bug.  He came out and said, "Cool!  Amy come here and look at this."  I went out and checked it out and of course needed to go get the camera.  I even tried to wake Noah up to come see.  He LOVES nature and I thought he would like to see this.  When will we EVER see something like this again?!  He would NOT budge.  Then I thought it was a good thing I couldn't get him up.  I do have pictures after all.  If I didn't have SO much to do I would have waited for him to come all the way out of the shell, but here it is 2am and I'm still not in bed.  With that I must post and go.  I'll sneak peek more sessions soon!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Proud, Proud, Proud {St. Louis Children's Photography}

Today E made me SO proud!  He went into the bathroom by himself while I was in the kitchen.  I went to check on him and he was standing in front of the toilet trying to pull his diaper down.  He looks up at me with a smile and says, 'Poppy' (meaning potty).  So, I took his diaper off and set him on the toilet.  HE WENT!!!!  I was SO happy for him.  Noah, Caleb and I had a 'party' for him.  He was SO excited!  What a sweet boy.  

Well, I have a busy week coming up so off to bed early!  Sorry, no pics tonight :(